Site icon Teens in the Driver Seat

What Would You Do? Risk Scenarios

This activity is a great way to bring awareness to the top risks for teen passengers and drivers. The scenarios will immerse students in real-life situations, which they may face as drivers or passengers, challenging them to understand the consequences of their decisions without any actual danger.

 Items Needed

 Ways to Utilize the Risk Scenarios

  • During your organization/club meetings to educate your team on the top risks that lead to car crashes and to help start a conversation about ways to speak up for your safety and the safety of others
  • Ask other organizations/clubs on your campus if your TDS team can come to a meeting and share the Risk Scenarios with their members.
  • Utilize them during classes such as Health, Science, or Leadership to give you another opportunity to talk about real-life situations you and your peers face in a safe environment.


  1. Review the different scenarios and print out the ones you plan to use.
  2. Make sure you have enough room to divide into groups (up to 5, depending on how many risks you plan to cover).
  3. Explain the activity and then divide into groups.
  4. Hand out a different scenario to each group. Have them select someone to serve as a scribe to record their thoughts. Ideally, have someone from your team sit with each group to encourage discussion when necessary.
  5. Ask each group to read the scenario and then think about both the actions and consequences of the scenario. Remind them to consider the scenario from the point of view of a passenger who might not be in charge of the vehicle, as well as from the point of view of the driver.
  6. Give the groups 15-20 minutes to discuss and then have them report back to the group.
  7. Talk about the different scenarios and what decisions you can make as a passenger or driver if you are ever in such a situation.
  8. Post photos of your activity on your social media channels to further promote the message of safe driving and tag @teensdriverseat so we can see your great work, too.
  9. Submit an online activity form at to get credit for your efforts.

Don’t Forget

The goal of this activity is to have an easy-to-manage but educational conversation to help you and your peers talk about the real-life situations you could face as a driver or passenger and how you might deal with them. This is a great way to begin a dialogue on ways to speak up for your safety.

 Make it GREAT

  • Have groups act out their scenario to show some of the different ways you could address each situation. Role-playing hard situations can help prepare you for real-life situations.
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