Extra Mile Opens
Get your seniors more involved! Have them sign-up for our Extra Mile Senior Project!
A peer-to-peer safe driving program for your school.
Get your seniors more involved! Have them sign-up for our Extra Mile Senior Project!
Join us virtually to learn about what's new with the program and how to plan out your year. Details: August 22, 2023 10:30am CT Zoom Link Meeting ID: 879 6392 2960 Password: 429779
Join us virtually to learn about how to complete your Annual Surveys and turn in your W-9s. Details: September 6, 2023 3:30pm CT Zoom Link Meeting ID: 821 3397 1863 Password: 286795
National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is an annual, nationwide celebration and cornerstone program launched by the American Trucking Associations to recognize and honor the vital contributions of truck drivers to our daily lives and the economy. LEARN MORE!
Rail Safety Week is a collaborative effort among Operation Lifesaver, Inc., state Operation Lifesaver programs, and rail safety partners across the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Help stop track tragedies! LEARN MORE!
Join us virtually to learn more about our newest risk unit, pedestrian safety and what to expect from our upcoming YTS Summit in November! Details: September 20, 2023 11:00am CT Zoom Link Meeting ID: 878 7799 1592 Password: 755757