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Advocating for Traffic Safety

Advocating for Traffic Safety Activity
Use the data you’ve collected from other various activities, like your team’s Zero Hero or Annual Surveys, or a reputable research organization’s data and use it to come up with safety solutions that you can then present to different stakeholders in your community such as school administration, city council members, or even the mayor. We have provided you with a “Guide for Peer Leaders Advocating for Traffic Safety” that includes worksheets to brainstorm and plan how to identify opportunities for traffic safety improvements around your campus.

 Items Needed


  1. Gather your team, a class of students, or work on this individually.
  2. Print copies of the Guide with worksheets to give to each person or group.
  3. Print copies of your data results such as your school survey results, Zero Hero, and/or Walkability Tour (you could use last year’s data).
  4. Spend an hour or a few class times to go through the guide and fill out each worksheet.
  5. Once the guide is filled out, plan to contact a “Key Player” such as your superintendent or city council member.
  6. Try to get a meeting with them to discuss possibly finding funds to implement your safety idea, which will be backed by your data and discussion with peers.
  7. If you get a meeting with a Key Player or an opportunity to present your ideas, use our “Tips for Communicating with Local and Elected Officials” document, plus practice your elevator speech.

Don’t Forget

  • Use the data to support your recommendation for improvement.
  • Practice what you’ll say to this Key Player. Doing practice sessions with your peers could help.
  • Communicate with your teacher/advisor your plans and needs to communicate with the administration. They could be your ally and even contact people on your behalf.
  • Keep copies of your teams’ work and take pictures to submit with your activity form.
  • Working through the guide and getting one meeting may not be the end of this endeavor. Do your best to see through your ideas by following up with your Key Player and finding other champions for your cause.

Additional Resources

 Make it GREAT

  • Document your progress and share it on social media to inspire others. Don’t forget to tag us @teensdriverseat!
  • If you’re able to succeed with your desired changes, contact your local media so they can share news about your great work in your community.
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